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[vdr] AW: Re: Bad recording quality

> > The Nova is a low-budget card without ARM/firmware. Maybe 
> your P166 is
> > to slow for remuxing. Can you check that in a faster machine?
> What do mean with remuxing? I think it needs only take the 
> data stream and
> put it to hd.

the card receives a whole tranponder (~35MBit???) and sorts out the audio and video streams it needs (APID, VPID), after muxing the data it can be played or recorded to disk
a DVB-s will do that by there own on the card (ARM), Nova cards needs the pocessor for that - good: no firmware that cant be changed, bad: needs more processor power

> I used dxr3 (the mpeg decoder card) for viewing it. Not the software
> decoder. I can view dvds nicely with dxr3, allthough I have 
> problems with
> subtitles.. But the video is fine..

maybe your player can´t play PES streams? try mplayer

> I can try to watch the video in windows machine, which has 
> more power..
> But I think that it won't help..
>   Marko

then you should convert it with pvastrumento ( first to get a PS stream and you will easyly know about errors in your recorded samples

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