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[vdr] Re: VDR files to vob

Am Mit, 2002-07-17 um 10.58 schrieb Hans-Peter Raschke:
> Andreas Schultz wrote:
> > On Tuesday 16 July 2002 23:37, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > 
> >>Andreas Schultz wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hi,
> >>>
> >>>On Tuesday 16 July 2002 20:04, Rene Bartsch wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>I agree to SCR-implementation as I realized MPlayer plays the VDR-files
> >>>>faster than recorded by vdr which results in EOF after some time of
> >>>>timeshifting.
> >>>
> >>>I looked a bit more into the remuxing and i will not spend any more time
> >>>on it. The remuxer will have to be rewritten from ground up to get
> >>>sensible results
> >>
> >>What's wrong with it? I thought it would just take an extra data
> >>record to satisfy dumb players?
> > 
> > 
> > The players YES, but not the VOB format. I think the ultimate goal should be 
> > to be able to record the resulting file without further processing to a DVD 
> > (at least that would be my goal). For that the PS packets have to be 2048 
> > bytes, which in turn means that the contained PES packets can be max. 2034 
> > bytes long (including the PES header).
> You are right, the ultimate goal should be compliance to the VOB format. 
> But I think a short term goal could be to gain compatibility with dumb 
> players. The reason for this is that this would make further processing 
> much more easy.
> There isn't many Software, which could deal with the current vdr format
> (currently I know pvastrumento under win32 and mplayer/mencoder under 
> linux). So  therefore you have an additional step: demux. This step 
> involves in most cases a/v-sync problems. Player software is designed to 
> avoid this problem. My short tests with your quick hack didn't show this 
> problems too. Besides this the additional step is time consuming and 
> needs a lot of hd space.

I asked some questions on the transcode-ML. Transcode is capable to
generate DVD-compliant MPEG-PS/VOBs. Only thingies like NAV-packets are
missing, but our first step should be to get it playing. We simply could
adapt the code from transcode to remuxer.c!

I also had contact with a member of the transcode-ML who is working on
DVD-authoring for linux. He told me he has sent first authoring-patches
for mkisofs to it's author which will be included in the next
alpha/beta-releases. He's also working on IFO/BUPs, which could replace

I've invited him to join the VDR-ML.


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