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[vdr] Re: Patches for VDR/DVB-Driver on SuSE 8.0

On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 03:20:27AM +0200, _cooper_ wrote:
> Hi,
> it took a little bit debugging, but I think I found the problem with the
> siemens_dvb-0.9.4 and the SuSE 8.0. SuSE included some definitions which
> ends up in the leak of the symbol "kmap_pagetable" in the module saa7146_core.
> It needes a simple include in line 33 for compiling it with SuSE 8.0:
>   #include <linux/highmem.h>
> I packed two patches as solution for this problem, one for the siemens_dvb
> 0.9.4 and one for VDR 1.0.4. You'll say it's a bit overdone, and probably you
> are right.

Which problem does it solve?
I have SuSE 8.0 and I am able to compile everyting without any patch.
What is the sense of including something which is not used?
(Because if it was neccessary I shouldn't be able to compile the driver
whithout it, shouldn't I)

best regards
Martin Neuditschko

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