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[vdr] Re: [linux-dvb] Re: Patches for VDR/DVB-Driver on SuSE 8.0


On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Martin Neuditschko wrote:
> Which problem does it solve?
The inability of the current stable driver packages to compile and run on a
out of the box SuSE 8.0 kernel. There were troubles with a missing
"kmap_pagetable" symbol which is fixed by the include.

As Klaus Schmidinger told me the problem was solved in the CVS version of the
driver before. Newer driver versions (> 0.9.4-20020520) will include
highmem.h without any dependencies, I decided to add the #ifdef so the
highmem.h was only included on SuSE 8.0 systems (and so not to touch the other
running systems).

> I have SuSE 8.0 and I am able to compile everyting without any patch.
Probably you used the CVS driver or compiled your own kernel (even from the
SuSE sources which are different from the standard kernel).

> What is the sense of including something which is not used?
> (Because if it was neccessary I shouldn't be able to compile the driver
> whithout it, shouldn't I)
The driver will compile very well, you'll only get a warning. So it's fuitile
to claim the compilation of the object as proof.

Best regards,
 LinVDR - The Digital Linux Videorecorder     

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