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[vdr] Re: Reference RC (was DXR3 support patch for vdr-1.1.5)

Steffen Koch wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:
> >>as somebody else said, you have to configure lircd.conf to match vdr,
> >>which is in some situations suboptimal.
> > The current implementation of the LIRC interface in VDR assumes that
> > LIRC sends names that are defined within VDR. I guess this could be
> > easily changed so that it uses a 'keys-lirc.conf' file. That would
> > allow a LIRC user to simply set up his remote with the standard LIRC
> > config file(s) and go into VDR's "Learning keys" function, just as
> > with my home-built RCU or the PC keyboard. I guess I'll make that
> > change as soon as possible.
> Can we expect the in line recording feature of 2 films etc on the same
> channel from vdr 1.1.3
> "- Timers that record two successive shows on the same channel may now
> overlap and will use the same DVB card. During the time where both
> timers record the data is simply saved to both files."
> to be integrated in a 1.0.5??

No. That's something that requires the all new structures implemented
in version 1.1.x. Besides, what would that be good for? Just use version
1.1.5 already - or version 1.2.0 once this is all stable.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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