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[vdr] Re: Reference RC (was DXR3 support patch for vdr-1.1.5)

Andreas Lange wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> >I know about that patch to enable VDR to use lircd.conf.
> >However, I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, because it
> >would require people to still edit config files
> >
> >If we let VDR go through its "Learning remote control keys" procedure,
> >all the user would have to do is to install LIRC, select his remote
> >control type in the LIRC setup and start VDR. VDR would see that
> >there is no keys-lirc.conf yet, so it would automatically enter the
> >learning process and ask the user to press each key VDR knows about.
> >I'll make it so that the user can skip keys that he doesn't want
> >to define.
> >
> >The keys-lirc.conf file woul translate the LIRC key names to the
> >VDR names (just as keys.conf does for the RCU codes, or keys-pc.conf
> >does for the keyboard codes).
> >
> >Klaus
> >
> >
> Please keep in mind that many lirc users have a configuration where one
> physical remote button is used for several different programs.
> For example in my setup the remote-button labelled "Play/Pause" does
> a play/pause for xmms or mplayer or is vdr's red button or starts/quits
> xawtv
> depending on the lirc mode I have switched to.
> The current unpatched vdr would now just detect a red button press
> whenever it is pressed, so if for example I pause mplayer then at the
> same time
> vdr stops recording. To work around that I would have to assign keys
> exclusively to vdr and have only a few left for the other programs using
> lirc.
> With just the learning procedure you describe these problems would
> continue and working around them is imho more difficult than configuring
> lirc.
> Maybe a solution could be to check if the user has set up a $HOME/.lircrc
> and then use it, but if it's not there simply assume vdr is the only program
> listening to lircd and do what you describe above.

Maybe I should just do both. If VDR does the lircd.conf thing, it would (if I understand
this correctly) "know" whether the current command is meant for VDR, and using
a keys-lirc.conf (and VDR's "Learning keys..." procedure) would make the LIRC
key definitions independent from VDR's key names. Or would the lircd.conf thing
make a keys-lirc.conf completely obsolete?


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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