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[vdr] Re: AIO Fix

Andy Grobb schrieb:
> ...
> This fixed a Bug in connection with TELETEXT Patch 0.6.2, even if no
> TELETEXT=1 is compiled !!!!
> The Bug created "Artefakte" by jumping with green/yellow Button in Replay
> Mode (Recordings,DVD and SVCD).
> Andy

I also observed this behaviour. Additionally, the response time to 
presses on the remote control (e.g. fast forward/backward, pause,
start, yellow, green) in replay mode is very poor compared to raw vdr.
Usually, there are 1 - 2 seconds until vdr reacts. Raw vdr takes only
some tenths of a second.

Does this patch fixes the above problems, too? (Unfortunately, I'm in
the office at the moment, so I can't check by myself.)
Bye, Ingo

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