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[vdr] Re: No Teletext with vdr

Jens Groth wrote:
> Hello,
> I asked this question some time before and got some feedback on
> the list.
> The situation looks like this:
> - When I only start the DVB driver with insmod I am able
>   to get teletext via my TV (n-tv).
> - When I start the unpatched vdr 1.0.4. I am not able to
>   receive any teletext. The text ID in my channels.conf are OK.
> I also got the hint, that it might work with an earlier DVB driver
> (not yet tried, I use 0.9.4.-2002-05-20). Is there something wrong
> with vdr?

I've posted a related message on the linux-dvb list over the weekend,
but haven't rceived an answer yet. My assumption is that something in the
driver must have been changed that either broke TT insertion, or requires
applications to do something different now.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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