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[vdr] Re: No Teletext with vdr

Am Montag, 29. Juli 2002 17:50 schrieb Jens Groth:
> Hello,
> I asked this question some time before and got some
> feedback on the list.
> The situation looks like this:
> - When I only start the DVB driver with insmod I am able
>   to get teletext via my TV (n-tv).
> - When I start the unpatched vdr 1.0.4. I am not able to
>   receive any teletext. The text ID in my channels.conf are
> OK.
> I also got the hint, that it might work with an earlier DVB
> driver (not yet tried, I use 0.9.4.-2002-05-20). Is there
> something wrong with vdr?
> CU
> Jens

Hi Jens,

you already got it. 

Simply use the siemens_dvb-0.9.4-2002-04-01.tgz driver from 
Klaus ftp. It works fine here.

With the one from 2002-05-20 I could observe the same 
behaviour you have discribed above (n-tv ...).

CU Norbert
* Norbert Schmidt - D-47443 Moers - *

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