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[vdr] Search for "VDR-Tools" to record to DVD-R (DATA-Mode)

Hello ML

Perhaps the one or other of you know that i use a DVD-R Writer (Pioneer A03) to
store my favorite Movies to DVD-R (in Data-Format)

Currently i go this way:

- Edit a Movie (with cut-Markers)
- Cut the Movie (the Movie has now a "%" at Filenamebeginning
- Start a Script wich does the follow things:
	- Collect all 00x.vdr Files from all /videoX directorys to one "temp-Dir"
	- Makeiso of this tempdir
	- Open the A03 (to put in the Disk)
	- Burn the DVD-R

As i know ther are now many others here using DVD-R Technology i want to ask for
improvments of my way.

What i donīt like:

	- I only can have 1 "%" marked File in /video0 (or more if i want to burn 
	  more movies to 1 DVD-R
	- Is there no external Programm wich is able to do the Cutting-Process
	  outside of the VDR within my script ?
	- Is there any way to write such a DVD "on the Fly" without making a  ISO-File ?

Iīm also interested how other People here save ther Movies/Series to DVD-R (DATA-Mode)



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