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[vdr] Re: Search for "VDR-Tools" to record to DVD-R (DATA-Mode)

am 03.09.2002 8:13 Uhr schrieb Axel Gruber unter

> - Is there any way to write such a DVD "on the Fly" without making a  ISO-File

yes, try:

cdblocks=` mkisofs -print-size -quiet -R /path/to/your/recording `
mkisofs -V <VolumeLabel> -quiet -r /path/to/your/recording | dvdrecord -v
dev=0,0,0 tsize=${cdblocks}s -

Replace <VolumeLabel> with a descriptive name and /path/to/your/recording
with the path to your data. In case of problems check that 'echo $cdblocks'
prints the number of blocks to be written.


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