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[vdr] Re: -s and -t options - automatic vdr startup at boot time

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, Alessio Sangalli (AS) wrote:

AS> However I've never managed to apply a successfull -s option: I know it
AS> works  if I use nvram-wakeup, but I'd like to understand how to use it
AS> directly  (*).  if I provide a -s halt (or poweroff, or reboot) option
AS> it wont work because of the parameters automatically passed by vdr. Do
AS> I need a script anyway?

yes -- in your case a one-line-script should be enough:


shutdown -h now  # or whatever you prefer (halt, poweroff, ...)

AS> Another  problem  is  to  use  the  -t  option: for now vdr starts and
AS> screws-up the first tty. If I put -t tty8 for example, I'm not able to
AS> switch to that console pressing alt+F8. Any hints?

I  use screen - it takes over standard input/output of the started program
(in  this  case  vdr),  so  you can switch to vdrs output from any console
(even remotely) at any time.

c ya
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                -- Mark Twain

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