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[vdr] Re: shutdown via vdradmin and wish for timer

Hello Sven,

I am not a linux expert, I am also trying around till it

But try the following:
* put some echo ... into your script to check if it is
called or not.
* Did you make your script exectutable (chmod +x
/usr/local/bin/timerevent )?
* does your script work, if you call it manually
   try /usr/local/bin/timerevent after testing
* Do you get an error message within /usr/var/messages ?
* I put the call of svdrpsend into a seperate script and
made it exectutable.
   This works for me.

To get the possible svdrp commands just type open an svdrp
connection (e.g. telnet localhost 2001) and type help or
help [topic].
Then you will get a list with all possible commands.

Another way to get information is to look into the source
code (svdrp.c).


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