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[vdr] Re: Virtual Volumes (WAS: Re: nice features...)
Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
> Am Monday 23 September 2002 12:02 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> > I guess its possible to do that - but I'm not sure if channels.conf is the
> > right place for this, since this would be a user defined value, and I want
> > to make channels.conf user and installation independent (that's why I'm
> > going to revise the DiSEqC handling). Besides, just one value per channel
> > wouldn't be enough, since the audio level is often also different for each
> > APID. Well, considering this maybe channels.conf _would_ be the right place
> > for it, since otherwise there would be a whole lot of cross references
> > necessary between some user channel setup and the channels.conf.
> Wouldn't be channels.conf the right place? You say it should be hardware and
> platform independent, but it is, even with the volumes, because they are
> channel- and station-dependent.
> Wouldn't it be great just to define a max volume for every channel? (let's say
> full 255 for VIVA and 220 for MTV for example) Then the actual volume slider
> could be projected onto that. That means if I turn the Volume up to 255 and
> watch VIVA, the card is giving the actual 255 strength. If I switch to MTV,
> 255 (virtual volume) is calculated to 220 (MTV real max. volume). For Volume
> 128, this would be calculated 128 for VIVA and 110 for MTV.
> What about that? (If this is too complicated, I'll try again in German ;))) )
Something like this has been discussed on this list a while ago, IIRC.
But there have always been other things that are more important.
Maybe later...
Klaus Schmidinger Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH Fax: +49-8635-6989-40
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