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[vdr] Re: Problem with vdr + wlan-card

Emil Naepflein wrote:

>On Wed, 04 Dec 2002 22:46:24 +0100, Matthias Ehmann
><> wrote:
>>Are there any ideas for a workaround?
>Try to rearrange the cards in the slots so that each the DVB-S card and
>ethernet card uses distinct IRQs.
There are no interrupt conflicts at all.
Each dvb card and the wlan-card uses an own irq.
Rearranging  the cards had the same results like before.

>You can check this by "cat /proc/interrupts".

Matthias Ehmann
Lehrstuhl für Mathematik und ihre Didaktik
Universität Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth

Tel 0921 - 55 3268
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