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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: console plugin vdr-console-0.3.0

The new version 0.3.0 of the console plugin for the developer version of
VDR is now available from: 

Changes since version 0.2.1:

- The ncurses library is no longer needed. 
- Now the cursor keys and function keys also are working in
  programs like Midnight Commander. 

Please note:
- The plugin uses its own implementation of cRemote for keyboard
  support. So you must not compile VDR with REMOTE=KBD !!! If you
  want to use your keyboard also as remote controller then use 

    REMOTE=NONE and start vdr with:    ./vdr -P"console -r"

  instead. The plugin then manages a keyboard capture mode. With
  this you can switch between "keyboard as remote controller" or
  "keyboard for input to a console". (More infos in the README).
- Since VDR version 1.1.19 REMOTE=NONE is replaced through


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