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[vdr] Re: @Klaus Schmidinger: Suggestion for -O options in plugin-makefiles

----- Original Message -----
From: "Klaus Schmidinger" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 4:14 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: @Klaus Schmidinger: Suggestion for -O options in

> Rene Bartsch wrote:
> >
> > ...
> > Another point is that some plugin-developers produce non-ISO-compliant
> > (e.g. using GCC 3.0.x) causing problems with GCC 3.2. So I'd suggest to
> > a "--pedantic-errors" into the Makefile-CFLAGS. This way they'll realize
> > what they're doing.
> That causes error messages like
> tools.h:27: ANSI C does not allow macro with variable arguments
> tools.h:23: ANSI C++ does not support `long long'
> channels.c:330: ANSI C does not support the `a' flag
> vdr.c:504: ANSI C++ forbids range expressions in switch statement
> (at least with my gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)). And I don't want
> to give up on these...

No one wants you to give up your compiler. It's the code not being
ISO-standard. The sense of a standard is to keep compatibility (I get a lot
of warnings with GCC3.2). And GCC 3.2 is pedantic to keep the standard as
violations can cause bugs and memory leaks ...

That means that code won't compile with future versions of more
ISO-compliant compilers. And more ISO-compliance is the aim of GNU GCC.


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