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[vdr] Re: How to get IR at J2 working?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Luis Martinez Martinez" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject: [vdr] How to get IR at J2 working?

> Hello,
> In my trip thru VDR/DVB config I have arrived to a new dead end, so, here
> ask again for the expertice of all of you.
> My current setup is vdr 1.1.19 with convergence driver dated 2002-12-08,
> dvd, svcd plugins all of them working. My last step was towards remote
> control, so I got lirc-0.6.6 and compiled it to use the dvb-s ir input.
> said after compile that I sould use the lirc_dvb driver that came with the
> dvb driver, but the driver said above has its lirc directory empty.
> Is there any other way to get J2 working?
> What I am missing, mistaking?
> Is there anywhere well documented for my setup (vdr1.1.19+latest
> driver) to get J2 working?

You cannot use Lirc with VDR-1.1.x anymore. Use the remote-plugin from
Oliver Endriss.

For creating a keymap, do the following:

> How can I produce keymapfiles for the used RC ?

1.) Copy input_fake.h from AV7110_loadkeys-directory to YourKeymap.rc5
2.) Remove all except the #define KEY_XXXX-lines
3.) Remove #define from every line --> only lines like

KEY_SELECT       0x161
KEY_GOTO         0x162
KEY_CLEAR        0x163
KEY_POWER2       0x164
KEY_OPTION       0x165

(KEY_XXXX is the key-descriptor transmitted to /dev/input/eventX)

4.) Exchange the HEX-codes with the HEX-codes of your remote-control shown
by av7110_ir debug.
5.) Delete all lines you don't need.
6.) Save your new keymap ;o)

and load that keymap whenever loading the DVB-driver.


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