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[vdr] Re: Child protection / access control module

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthias Schniedermeyer" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 7:12 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: Child protection / access control module

> > is anyone working on an access control mechanism for the VDR player? I
> > two little children at home who I would like to see only specific
> > at specific times. It should be fairly easy to implement something which
> > controls this depending on the user who authenticates her/himself. I
> > mean log in to the machine itself but to vdr.
> man reality

Once upon a time parents let their children raise by machines.
And see, there was distrust between parents and their children ...

What about teaching your children to handle information?
If you sit together in front of the TV you'll be surprised how intellegent
and maturely they can be if supported well by their parents.

But a lot of parents have a lot of better to do than teaching their children
how life works.

Ever realized this is the world of OpenSource based on trust instead of
censorship? And trust is based on reciprocity (even with your children)!


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