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[vdr] Re: Testers Wanted

Sorry that was incomplete. Next try ;o))

Hi Steffen, all,

>> to know what I have changed, here is a list (I'm doing this
>> from memory, so I hope I didn't forget anything)

>Wow .  Hope this will run stable.

I haven't had any crashes ;o)), but that is one of the
reasons I want others to test it. The OSD for the 
SignalInfo works, but it isn't quite the way I want it
to be (yet). This is a problem of the DVB hardware
as you can only show one OSD at a time (so I have
to be "quicker" than Klaus'  ShowInfoOnChannelSwitch :o))
However, Klaus wanted to change the behavior of the
ShowInfo OSD.

>Will small fonts, symbols and so on too be in it ?

"I" wanted to add it (esp symbols), but Klaus would rather
have this as a plugin function. If people are interested, I
would try to insert the AIO into the code directly (i.e
no patchwork). However, I would like to do this after
I port it to the 1.1.20 I'm not sure how much work this
is, as the AIO wasn't stable in my case either (with all
options enabled, that is) Symbols and small fonts
presented no problems (IIRC). The calendar patch
(which I liked) didn' work and either the colorbars
or the progressbars presented massiv problems which
usually lead to a nice SegFault ;o))

While I have your attention, is the list below missing
anything (AIO patches)?:

- Symbol Patch
- Progressbar Patch
- Infochanneldisplay Patch
- Color Patch
- Colorbutton Patch
- Small Fonts Patch
- ShowLengthOfRecordings Patch

I know there is a LNBSharingPatch, but my Rev
1.6 DVB doesn't have a loop through (and I only
have one LNB in my room ;o)) , so I have no way
of testing this, if it will work at all with the Plugin
versions of VDR.

Some patches (like Teletext, LCD, etc) are no 
longer necessary because these features are 
available as plugins ;o))

However, if the list is missing something not covered
by a plugin, please let me know.

What would be the "prefered" ( I know I'm going to
get a 1000 different answers ;o)) priority of the 
patches? Most interesting is probably the symbol
patch (followed by the small fonts), but what about
the others?

I tried to include a stillimage viewer, but I'm afraid
I didn't get it to work at all. I hope Alessio Sangalli 
is still working on his program and will make a
plugin for it (this is a function I am really looking
forward to)

>Will definitly test it if it is downloadable anythere.

Okay since quite a few people are interested, I will
see that I upload it to my website tommorrow at the
lastest. I will notify the list as soon as it is available.

Greetz & Thanks,

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