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[vdr] Re: Premote Plugin

Hello again, Reinhard.

RWB> Hmm interesting. I wonder why they made that selectable for -C
RWB> DVB cards.

Yes. However, I connected the jumper just now, and at least, there's
no smoke. I will learn the keys later tonight.

>> You mean the normal CI/CAM stuff? Well it works, but I

RWB> No, on the -S version the 1.6 doesn't work at all (a friend
RWB> of mine has this problem and I also recall a discussion

>> have to reload the firmware a couple of times before it
>>works well (is this related to the CI?).

RWB> The nausiating necessity to reload the DVB driver is one
RWB> of the * B I G * bugs of the convergence firmware, on which
RWB> there is no info available to the public. The convergence
RWB> firmware is so picky about cams that you have to call yourself
RWB> lucky to find a CAM that works at all (which really sucks!)

I agree, this is really quite bad. If it was not for this problem, I'd
say vdr/dvb was a real winner (I know that it is for many people, and
when I have it running stable, I love it).

RWB> This is another reason why we need a hardware combo and
RWB> information download center, so that we can finally get EVRYTHING
RWB> working. Klaus is doing all possible to make VDR the "one and
RWB> only" software and people are stumbling on stupid things like
RWB> diseqc & cam support.

Has there, in your knowledge been any thoughts on an open firmware

RWB> Of course I must say we ARE lucky to have convergence

Yes, I guess. But will the firmware ever get fixed?

RWB> and Klaus that are making 90% open source (not like the

Yes, again I agree. There's a lot of clever people working with the
driver and vdr.

RWB> "I" would be willing to pay convergence to improve the soft. Even
RWB> if everyone only chips in with 20 Euro, I think it is safe to say
RWB> there are 1000 VDR users out there, this would make a total sum
RWB> of 20, 000 Euro.

Count me in!



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