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[vdr] Re: Patch for New driver + Old Firmware + Remote Control Plugin

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oliver Endriss" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 8:06 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: Patch for New driver + Old Firmware + Remote Control

> I'm using the following firmware files:
> 254324 Apr 15  2002 Root
>    288 Apr 15  2002 Dpram
> After checking my archive I found that all *old* drivers from
> June - October 2002 contain these files.
> IMHO the firmware of the old driver has not changed since April, 15th.
> How to replace the firmware:
> - cd DVB/driver/av7110
> - replace Root *and* Dpram
> - apply the remote control patch (if needed)
> - cd ..
> - make clean
> - make

I've tried to do so, but when patching (patch in the same directory like
linux-dvb.2002-11-01) with patch -p0 ./IR-patch I do receive a:

"patch: **** malformed patch at line 5:


Can you give me a hint how to patch (I've already tried by hand, but I got
some errors as I seemed to have the wrong lines)?


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