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[vdr] Re: Patch for New driver + Old Firmware + Remote Control Plugin

Hi Oliver,

> Hm, did you forget to replace 'Dpram'?
> If Root and Dpram do not match, the driver will probably crash.

Are you *sure*  ;รถ))? I am using the newest HEAD driver and
an old firmware, because it works perfectly. The only way I
can get the ARM to crash is the "old bug" way. I.e. record, replay
another file, have the process bar on screen and tell vdr to ff
at maximum speed (even then it doesn't always crash). As long
as the progress bar isn't on screen I can't get the ARM to crash
"reliably" i.e. reproducably. Very seldomly I do experience a
crash or OSD color distortions, but I can't reproduce them and
its okay as it happens VERY seldomly, so I can live with it.

A long time ago, I started mixing Dpram & Root from different
revisions. It took me about a day to test all the combos ;o)) and
I finally got stuck with the version I am using now. However, I
have NO idea from what rev it is (or if it is even an original
convergence fw file). I lost track somwhere, but since this fw
works for me, I saved it to hdd and just replace the Root, when
I download a new driver ;o))

BTW I also do NOT get any message that the fw might be too
old (and I didn't apply your patch from yesterday ;o))

I haven't tried the RTL problem yet, so I can't say if it is cure for
this problem (will test it tonight)

However, your remote plugin works fine with this fw. I am (I
hope you don't mind ;o)) modding your plugin to be able to
adjust the RCU behavior. I have a small bug, which I still am
not able to iron out. When I change the values in the setup,
the values are not applied instantly. Rather I have to leave
the setup menu, reenter it and leave it again. Then the values
are finally applied. My guess is that VDR doesn't instantly
transfer the values to the plugin and your plugin, which is
a thread, needs the extra button push, until it uses the new
values. Usually the RCU setup is a one time thing, so it
is not that bad, but it isn't perfect. The idea behind it (getting
the RCU to quit interpreting a single button press as a
multiple one) works though.


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