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[vdr] Re: Patch for New driver + Old Firmware + Remote Control Plugin

Reinhard Walter Buchner wrote:
> > Hm, did you forget to replace 'Dpram'?
> > If Root and Dpram do not match, the driver will probably crash.
> Are you *sure*  ;รถ))? I am using the newest HEAD driver and

I'm sure that I have locked up my machine this way.
I never tried again. :-)

> an old firmware, because it works perfectly. The only way I
> can get the ARM to crash is the "old bug" way. I.e. record, replay
> another file, have the process bar on screen and tell vdr to ff
> at maximum speed (even then it doesn't always crash). As long
> as the progress bar isn't on screen I can't get the ARM to crash
> "reliably" i.e. reproducably. Very seldomly I do experience a
> crash or OSD color distortions, but I can't reproduce them and
> its okay as it happens VERY seldomly, so I can live with it.
> A long time ago, I started mixing Dpram & Root from different
> revisions. It took me about a day to test all the combos ;o)) and
> I finally got stuck with the version I am using now. However, I
> have NO idea from what rev it is (or if it is even an original
> convergence fw file). I lost track somwhere, but since this fw
> works for me, I saved it to hdd and just replace the Root, when
> I download a new driver ;o))

There are not that many different firmare releases. 
AFAIK all old drivers after April, 15th use the same firmware:

254324 Apr 15  2002 Root
   288 Apr 15  2002 Dpram

All new drivers use the this firmware (not sure about the date):
254444 Root
   288 Dpram

> BTW I also do NOT get any message that the fw might be too
> old (and I didn't apply your patch from yesterday ;o))

Are you sure that you are using *new* firmware?
Did you recompile the driver after changing the firmware:
make clean

> I haven't tried the RTL problem yet, so I can't say if it is cure for
> this problem (will test it tonight)

If you have the RTL problem you definitely have a *new* firmware.

> However, your remote plugin works fine with this fw. I am (I

If autorepeat does not work, you have a *new* firmware.

> hope you don't mind ;o)) modding your plugin to be able to
> adjust the RCU behavior. I have a small bug, which I still am

It's undel GPL. You may do what you want. :-)

> not able to iron out. When I change the values in the setup,
> the values are not applied instantly. Rather I have to leave
> the setup menu, reenter it and leave it again. Then the values
> are finally applied. My guess is that VDR doesn't instantly
> transfer the values to the plugin and your plugin, which is
> a thread, needs the extra button push, until it uses the new
> values. Usually the RCU setup is a one time thing, so it
> is not that bad, but it isn't perfect. The idea behind it (getting
> the RCU to quit interpreting a single button press as a
> multiple one) works though.

As you know this plugin is able to control multiple input devices.
Therefore, a setup menu must be able to configure each device 

I started to add a setup menu, but I didn't want to release this stuff
until the firmware supports autorepeat. With the current (new) firmware,
a setup menu does not make much sense. Well, if we are stuck with the
old firmware which supports autorepeat, I might change my mind...

If there is a setup menu, internationalization has to be done,
and all parameters have to be documented...


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