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[vdr] Re: Little Feature Request

Stephan Bieker wrote:
> I want to suggest two Features. Perhaps, some others find 
> them usefull to.
> a) If vdr is actually recording, it would be nice, if it 
> would create a flag
> or temp file, perhaps with the actuall recordings. This would 
> be fine for
> using in own scripts to prevent rebooting/shutdown while 
> recording or when
> one wants to reboot from a remote console. I didn't find a 
> way to check for
> actuall recording. Perhaps i'm blind?!?

You could use the recording script for that pupose

case "$1" in
            echo $2 >> /var/vdr/running_recordings
            cat /var/vdr/running_recordings | \
             grep -v "$2" > /var/vdr/running_recordings~
            mv -f /var/vdr/running_recordings~ \
            echo "ERROR: unknown state: $1"

of course this is a bit crude (e.g. no locking) but you can enhance it

CU Ulrich

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