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[vdr] Re: Little Feature Request
Stephan Bieker wrote:
> I want to suggest two Features. Perhaps, some others find them usefull to.
> a) If vdr is actually recording, it would be nice, if it would create a flag
> or temp file, perhaps with the actuall recordings. This would be fine for
> using in own scripts to prevent rebooting/shutdown while recording or when
> one wants to reboot from a remote console. I didn't find a way to check for
> actuall recording. Perhaps i'm blind?!?
You can get that information through the SVDRP command NEXT:
220 video SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder 1.1.20; Sun Dec 29 10:40:36 2002
help next
214-NEXT [ abs | rel ]
214- Show the next timer event. If no option is given, the output will be
214- in human readable form. With option 'abs' the absolute time of the next
214- event will be given as the number of seconds since the epoch (time_t
214- format), while with option 'rel' the relative time will be given as the
214- number of seconds from now until the event. If the absolute time given
214- is smaller than the current time, or if the relative time is less than
214- zero, this means that the timer is currently recording and has started
214- at the given time. The first value in the resulting line is the number
214- of the timer.
214 End of HELP info
> b) A way inside vdr, to prevent shutdown if a flag or file exists. I know,
> this can be done in the vdrshutdown script too ("test blabla"), but i find
> it better, that vdr itself does not shutdown, if such a flag exists. It
> would be best, if this could be done in the configuration with a xyz.file,
> in which one can declare several flags or tempfiles to obey.
> Example:
> nopoweroff.conf
> ---
> /video00/JobQ
> /video00/rip
> /home/vdr/.flagpipapo
> ---
> and if vdr checks this like "test" and if one of them is true, it will not
> call vdrshutdown (or similar).
I don't see the benefit of that. If you have any complex conditions under which
you want to (not) shutdown, you should handle these in your shutdown script.
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