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[vdr] Re: Using VDR with UK digital terrestrial (problems and observations)

Simeon Walker wrote:
> ...
>  ยท The search forward and backward functions don't work as expected
> with recordings from certain channels. With these recordings using
> the search function results in a mostly frozen picture with, perhaps,
> the occasional update. As far as I can see it is the recordings from
> channels using QAM-64 that are problematic, i.e. ITV1, ITV2, Channel
> 4 and Channel 5. It is fine with QAM-16 channels such as all the
> BBC channels and Sky News.

Sounds like the problem we're currently experiencing with the German RTL
channels as well. Apperenly some frames in their broadcast cause problems
in the driver/firmware.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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