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[vdr] Re: Read/Write Simulatneously

> Does the developer version (1.1.2x) + 1 DVBS card (1.3) support time shift?
That works fine for me. I use a quite current cvs-version of the driver
and a plain vdr or a vdr patched with AC3. IMHO 2.5.55+ Kernel with the
current dvb-kernel (from cvs) driver performs a lot better (in terms of
system performance), but i am not using this because i miss CDFS under
2.5 a lot.


> I try to get it working but without success. You are speaking about the 
> new driver, could you explain this point a little bit more? It it is 
> driver related which version supports time shifting?
> By the way, say to me if I am wrong, time shifting needs to be done by:
>     1. start recording the channel
>     2. go in the menu and play the 'recording' file without stoping the 
> recording.
> I was only able to get it working with 2 DVB adapters. If I am using 
> only one, VDR does not allow me to play the file while it is recording 
> at the same time :-(
Tim Schröder <>

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