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[vdr] Re: High CPU Load @ replay wrote on 14.02.2003 16:01:02:
> Are Ă…rseth wrote:
> >
> > > when replaying recordings with vdr-1.1.23 & 24 my VDR consumes a
> > > lot of CPU power (~40% of a PIII Tualatin 1,13). The thread seems to
> > > the one called "dvbplayer". Could this behaviour have anything to to
> > > with the newly introduced "non blocking file reader"?
> >
> > I get the same problem. It started with vdr-1.1.22. vdr goes to 40%
> > while replaying.
> I definitely can't confirm this. Replay never uses more that 5% here.
> Are you running any patches or plugins? If so, please try with plain
> vanilla VDR.
I have the same "feature" here on my newly installed SuSE 8.1 box.
AMD Athlon 600 MHz, 512 MB, Two HD with DMA enabled
Plain vanilla SuSE 8.1 kernel 2.4.19-4GB
Two dvb-s 1.3 (one with a CI-Interface)
I have removed any CAM
Driver from sometimes end of December
Plain vanilla vdr 1.1.24
No plugins loaded at all.
CPU-Usage jumps right to 40% whenever a replay starts and stays there
(with slight variances)
Even without any recording/replay vdr uses between 2.x and 14.5 % CPU
(seen with top)
Can I help getting this CPU-killer? What data would you want, Klaus?
> Klaus
> --
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