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[vdr] Re: about the vdr streaming plugin

On Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2003 17:54 Alexis Guerin wrote:

> > If you mean the possibility of outputting the
> > stream to ffserver which then recodes it into mpeg4, then sorry, this is
> > not planned yet. But you could write a small client running on the local
> > machine that pipes the data from the network into ffserver
> Is that what your first streaming plugin do?

I suppose it does that ;) You would have configured ffserver and 
if it works, right? My PlugIn doesn't create mpeg4 natively.

> Am i right if i understand "local machine" as the server machine?
> How could I write a "client" that pipes the data from the network on the
> "server" machine? what am i missing there...

You can write a "client" that gets the mpeg2-data from the "server" (client 
and server are applications, not computers - they can run both on the same 
one) and gives it to ffserver. FFServer would then be the "real" server that 
your "real" clients get their mpeg4 from.

And, *please* - quote only what you need to be quoted (to get the context 
right) and not the whole mail;)

Sascha Volkenandt

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