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[vdr] Re: RTL-group replay problems

At 09:52 13/03/2003, you wrote:
I have lots of problems with my DVB-T card in the UK (mostly to do
with black screens and general death) and I cannot for the life me of get C5 (either I have
the frequency wrong, or the signal is below threshold), BUT I regularly record
C4 & ITV and ff & rew work just fine - I like skipping commercials and
end up using them a lot. So sorry, don't have THAT problem...

vdr 1.1.25, dvb 1.0pre2, kernel 2.4.20
There was a problem with oversized TS packets which affected C5 (and other channels on that transmitter) but has since been fixed (as of 1.1.22?) by Teemu.

There is transfer mode issue between DVB-T -> DVB-s with some channels (BBC2, BBC News 24 and other) with the new drivers (i.e. ever since newstruct). It's not a firmware problem, as older firmware with new drivers doesn't work. Somehow on these two channels (and sporadicly on others too) about 8 out of 10 times right after the PIDs are set and transfor mode is initiated, the DVB-s cards seems to stop taking in and processing / decoding data, the buffer then fills up with data from the DVB-T and the picture remains black. I've been at a loss in figuring out why something like this could have been introduced in the new drivers. In fact it very, very sporadically happens with the old drivers and Channel 4 too (1 out of 50 or so). I wonder whether it could something to do if it doesn't find a sync packet in remux or something and tuning only works if the channel happens to send something. Mhh...

- Gregor

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