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[vdr] Re: with 1.25 more crashes then with 1.23 ???

Wolfgang Fritz wrote:
> Oliver Endriss wrote:
> > I noticed the following (very rare) problems:
> > (1) ARM crash when starting a recording
> Did this by chance happen while replaying (recording started by
> timer)? I had some crashes in this situation, but that seemed to
> crash the whole system. I could only recover by hard reset because
> the RC did not work any more and I have no keyboard attached to the
> VDR. There were no entries in the syslog. I'll try to reproduce that
> if I can.

IIRC, it happened while I was watching some other channel (not during 
replay). The timer kicked in, then there were some error messages from 
the driver "waiting for command idle", "ARM crashed". Finally vdr did 
an emergency exit and restarted just in time before the transmission of 
interest started. ;-)

> Otherwise 1.1.25 with 1.0.0pre2 driver works very stable here, and
> the annoying OSD problems seem to be history. I could run 2 parallel
> recordings and on replay with OSD on my EPIA M6000 without problems.

Same here. This is the most stable vdr system I ever had. 

> > (2) A/V out of sync
> I had that with the 1.0.0pre2 driver. I downgraded to a snapshot from
> 29. Jan 03 (trying to do the binary driver checks you suggested on
> the DVB ML) and have not observed it after that, but I will wait for
> the 3sat Tagesschau today which often had a/v sync problems (parallel
> transmission on ARD is OK). The driver snapshot works with the new
> firmware.

I'm not sure but I believe that I had this problem a few hours after I 
did some automatic recordings from sat.1 and pro-7. As I mentioned 
before, this happens so rarely that I can't tell whether a driver has 
this bug or not.

While my knowledge of the driver is far from complete, I believe that 
this is a firmware bug, because the driver does virtually nothing when 
you are just viewing a channel. Maybe this is triggered by a change in 
some driver routines which issue commands to the firmware. We'll see.


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