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[vdr] Re: Feature Request : "align dish"

Karim Afifi wrote:
> Hello Klaus,
> A few weeks ago, I've asked the list about a plugins which could help to
> align the dish. The list told me that there is a patch named "tech.diff"
> which could do that. I've tried to patch "vdr 1.1.25" with it, but it didn't
> works. Sorry, I am not developer, and I don't know how to modify  the source
> diff file.
> Would it be possible to add this "tech.diff" patch into the native code of
> vdr, to add a new item "align dish" into the configuration menu ?

This will have to wait until after version 1.2.0.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
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