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[vdr] Feedback on CAM


After 16 hours of testing vdr-1.1.28 I am very happy with the improvements.
Still some questions and oddities remain.

In the CAM-Menu submenu Authorisation bolts I get "locked", even if I set
it to "free" - what does this mean? Should it be set to locked?

When recording and simultaneously watching an encrypted channel I get the
message "Viaaccess Module
         No right"
         Press Enter to continue

Recording continues without failure. I wonder what this message indicates.

When the CAM - Module is idle (no encrypted channel tuned, no
 editing ) I get ever now and then in /var/log/messages:

 ERROR: CAM: Read failed: slot 0, tcid 1 

about 10 seconds later followed by

 CAM: Viaccess, 01, 0500, 0500

10 Minutes after this message I could record without problems.

The following scenario might be a hint to a remaining problem

I have tuned my primary card with CAM-interface to "ARD".
I watched ARD and closed xawtv. Then I start a recording from
an encrypted channel (SWISS 1). After the recording finished
I wanted to edit the recording and noticed on startup of xawtv:
No picture - like if the card was in an undefined status.
Switching between unencrypted channels from ASTRA brought no picture.
The onyl way to get picture back was: 
switching to encrypted swiss - channels (Hotbird) they worked fine.
After that even the ASTRA-channels were ok again.


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