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[vdr] runvdr in python
I translated runvdr script in python.
I did so because I know python much better than bash and I need
messing often with it.
I added a feature so when vdr crash 3 times in a row (less than 30 sec
between crashes) runvdr quits.
It save me a lot of "killall runvdr" when drivers are broken!
I publish it here in case someone else may find it useful.
-- cut here
# runvdr: Loads the DVB driver and runs VDR
# If VDR exits abnormally, the driver will be reloaded
# and VDR restarted.
# Set the environment variable VDRUSR to the user id you
# want VDR to run with. If VDRUSR is not set, VDR will run
# as 'root', which is not necessarily advisable.
# Since this script loads the DVB driver, it must be started
# as user 'root'.
# Any command line parameters will be passed on to the
# actual 'vdr' program.
# See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
# how to reach the author.
# Uberto:
# 18-apr-2003 rewrite runvdr in python from bash script
# 30-apr-2003 print vdr exit value
# 01-may-2003 check and exit if vdr restart 3 times in a row
import os
import popen2
import commands
import time
import string
import sys
lsmod="/sbin/lsmod | /usr/bin/grep -w '^dvb' | /usr/bin/wc -l"
killcmd="/bin/killall -q -TERM"
nm = string.strip(commands.getoutput(lsmod))
if (nm == "0"):
os.system("cd " + dvbdir + "; make insmod")
print nm
cmd = vdrprg
cmd += " -L /usr/src/VDR/PLUGINS/lib"
#cmd += " -t /dev/tty8"
cmd += " -P 'dvd -C /dev/hdc'"
cmd += " -P vcd"
cmd += " -P 'mplayer -m /video/plugins/ -M /video/plugins/'"
cmd += " -P 'mp3 -m /video/plugins/'"
cmd += " -P 'image -m /video/plugins/ -C /video/plugins/'"
cmd += " -P games"
cmd += " -P 'osdteletext -r'"
cmd += " -P clock"
cmd += " -P prefermenu"
#cmd += " -P ttxtsubs"
cmd += " -w 30"
cmd += " -s /root/shutdown"
cmd += " $*"
print "starting vdr"
rest = 0
t = time.time()
cont = True
while cont:
r = os.system(cmd)
if r == 0:
print "vdr exited gracefully at", time.ctime()
cont = False
print "vdr exited with error =", r
ot = t
t = time.time()
print "seconds since last restart", t-ot
if t < (ot + 30):
rest += 1
print "vdr restarted (try", rest, "/ 3)"
if rest >= 3:
print "restarted 3 times in a row, now exit!"
cont = False
rest = 0
if cont == True:
print "killing vdr"
os.system(killcmd + " " + vdrprg)
print "reinstalling dvb modules"
os.system("cd " + dvbdir + "; make rmmod; make insmod")
print "restarting vdr at", time.ctime()
-- cut here
Ciao Uberto
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