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[vdr] Re: [patch] Record DVB subtitles (vdr-1.1.30)

On Fri, 9 May 2003, Niko Tarnanen wrote:

>On Fri, 9 May 2003, Rantanen Teemu wrote:
>> This version of the patch requires you to add the subtitle pid (or pids)
>> into the teletext pid -field like this:
>> 	TV2:562000:I0:T:27500:513+129:660,661:2321;2027,2028:0:33:0:0:0
>> 	                                          ^^^^^^^^^^
>>From where can I find the right values for the subtitle pids? I'm using
>channels.conf by Jaakko Hyvätti in HTV cable network:
>In Jaakkos channels.conf the line for TV2 looks like this:
>I probably need to add the subtitle pids to my channels.conf even if I
>want to use the Subtitle plugin without this patch, right?

I found that at least the app "dvbtune" would find the subtitle pids just
fine and store them in the XML file format it uses. The app xml2vdr that
is then used to create channels.conf however does not handle the pid:s at
all, but you should at least be able to find them using that app.

Of course, I can't seem to even compile it anymore (just tried my last
working and a new CVS version), so it may not even be maintained anymore.

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