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[vdr] Re: [patch] Record DVB subtitles (vdr-1.1.30)

On Fri, 9 May 2003, Rantanen Teemu wrote:

> This version of the patch requires you to add the subtitle pid (or pids)
> into the teletext pid -field like this:
> 	TV2:562000:I0:T:27500:513+129:660,661:2321;2027,2028:0:33:0:0:0
> 	                                          ^^^^^^^^^^

From where can I find the right values for the subtitle pids? I'm using
channels.conf by Jaakko Hyvätti in HTV cable network:

In Jaakkos channels.conf the line for TV2 looks like this:


I probably need to add the subtitle pids to my channels.conf even if I
want to use the Subtitle plugin without this patch, right?

Best regards,


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