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[vdr] Re: Timeshifting pb with vdr 1.1.32 / vdr-1.1.33

Karim Afifi wrote:
> Hi Klaus,
> I've noticed a pb with timeshifting on vdr-1.1.32 / vdr-1.1.33
> (plain-vanilla)
> - one dvb-nexus
> - dvb-driver 20030524.
> - no LIRC, only keyboard.
> Pushing "pause" key
> 1/ tv screen displays  "pausing live video..." => OK
> 2/ picture is pausing => OK
> Pushing "pause" key one more time.
> 1/ vdr play record => OK
> 2/ after one second, screen turn black.
> 3/ and vdr return to live satellite stream.
> nb : vdr continues recording  the live stream.
> Under vdr-1.1.29, as I remember, timeshifting was ok.
> (I didn't try with 1.1.30 and 1.1.31 versions)
> Could you please check this failure?

Strange... I tried this like 10 times now (with version 1.1.33)
and it didn't happen.

Can you reproduce this any time?
Are there any special conditions that might be different on our
two systems?

Can anybody else reproduce this?


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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