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[vdr] BUG Report vdr 1.2.0pre1 and 1.1.33

Hi Klaus,

since vdr-1.1.33 there is an anoying bug in VDR which causes system
freeze. It isn't possible to do anything lirc, keyboard didn't work any
longer and also you can't telnet anymore. Only Poweroff/Reset Button
with 1.1.32 everything works fine.

Since i got some problems with my cam and 1.1.xx Versions -> Cam read
errors after a while. I create a new runvdr.
In this script I start 3 instances of vdr, and controll this with a lirc
perl which is posted in the list a while ago.

on Card 2 the one with cam (plain vanilla):
vdr -E /video/instance/vdr3 -c /video/instance/vdr3 -p2003 -v  /video -w
90 --terminal /dev/tty1
recording (FTA or CAM) is OK

on Card 1 (plain vanilla):
vdr -E /video/instance/vdr2 -c /video/instance/vdr2 -p2002 -v  /video -w
90 --terminal /dev/tty1
recording (FTA) is OK

first test:
on Card 0 normally (patched with AC3overDVB, autopid and Elchi and some
vdr -E /video/instance/vdr1 -c /video/instance/vdr1 -p2001 -v  /video -w
90 -s /usr/local/bin/stopvdr -r /usr/local/bin/ -Pvdrcd -Pdvd
-Pvcd -Pconsole -Pmplayer -Pmp3 -Pimage --terminal /dev/tty1

second test:
only Card 0 starting changed (vdr also plain vanilla)
vdr -E /video/instance/vdr1 -c /video/instance/vdr1 -p2001 -v  /video -w
90 --terminal /dev/tty1

with card0 in both tests i wanted to view a record from card1 or card2,
but if i do this the system freeze completly. vdr-1.1.33 has the same
behavior. 'This Problem i can reproduce everytime i view record an the
two other cards are recording (dosn't metter if its a timer record or if
i press Menu and then the red button)

Have you an idea what makes this trouble, because as i said with 1.1.32
the above described scenario worked.

If you want some other Informations or if i should test something i will
do it. :) But i can't do it tonight because i lost "Enterprise"  on Sat1
from this evening an "Star Trek - The next Generation" on Premiere Serie
this evening, for this reson i will switch back to 1.1.32 to record
those episodes in some minutes.


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