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[vdr] STILL PICTURES solution
Hello Klaus,
I have read about the problems with STILL PICTURES in VDR. Most of the
current DVDs have still pictures when displaying menus and obviously I
have experienced these problesm.
I have inspected the code of StillPicture function in dvbdevice.c and I
have been testing some options.
First, the safe_write function doesn't function in all cases.
Then I want the VIDEO_STILLPICTURE ioctl call to work.
After a hundred of tests I think that there is a problem related to some
buffer, because I think that Data has the correct data but it is not
displayed when it has to be displayed.
I have got some improvement simply adding usleep(250000) before
VIDEO_STILLPICTURE ioctl call. This has solved some of my problems but
not in every DVD. If a DVD has two join still frames (menu + submenu),
the menu is not displayed at the begining. When you press the ok button,
the menu screen is displayed instead of the submenu, and when you press
OK, the submenu screen appears and disappears inmediately.
Because of this I think there is a problem with buffers (I don't know
where) or perhaps with some thread because the problem is not always
present, but sometimes (random).
If you have some idea about these buffers, please, let me know because
this would improve DVD replaying very much. If you can do some review to
this StillPicture function I would thank you.
I have tested all the library combinations between dvdread and dvdnav
Daniel Saez
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