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[vdr] Re: STILL PICTURES solution
Daniel Sáez Domingo wrote:
> Hello Klaus,
> I have read about the problems with STILL PICTURES in VDR. Most of the
> current DVDs have still pictures when displaying menus and obviously I
> have experienced these problesm.
> I have inspected the code of StillPicture function in dvbdevice.c and I
> have been testing some options.
> First, the safe_write function doesn't function in all cases.
> Then I want the VIDEO_STILLPICTURE ioctl call to work.
> After a hundred of tests I think that there is a problem related to some
> buffer, because I think that Data has the correct data but it is not
> displayed when it has to be displayed.
> I have got some improvement simply adding usleep(250000) before
> VIDEO_STILLPICTURE ioctl call. This has solved some of my problems but
> not in every DVD. If a DVD has two join still frames (menu + submenu),
> the menu is not displayed at the begining. When you press the ok button,
> the menu screen is displayed instead of the submenu, and when you press
> OK, the submenu screen appears and disappears inmediately.
> Because of this I think there is a problem with buffers (I don't know
> where) or perhaps with some thread because the problem is not always
> present, but sometimes (random).
> If you have some idea about these buffers, please, let me know because
> this would improve DVD replaying very much. If you can do some review to
> this StillPicture function I would thank you.
Your subject says something about a "solution" - but I fail to see
where your message would provide one?! "Some improvement" by adding
usleep(250000) IMHO doesn't really qualify as _solution_.
Klaus Schmidinger Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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