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[vdr] Re: New firmware fixes memory sharing with OSD

Hallo Klaus,

> Christian Jacobsen wrote:
> >> ...
> >> > Can you please try again with the latest firmware of today's CVS
> >> (firmware
> >> > version 2617)?
> >> 
> >> I recon this means the Complete Driver from CVS !?
> >> or only the Firmware with an older Driver ?
> It should suffice to check out the new firmware.
> But of course you can also get the entire driver from CVS.

OK, I will probably take the whole Driver. If that does not work I will
try the 24.05 driver with the new Firmware.

> >> BTW. It really is our Mailserver breaking the threads. When
> >> with SMTP it removes important parts of the headers.
> And why is that? Wouldn't it be better to fix that obviously broken
> mail server?

Offcourse, but unfortunatly it is not my server and the guys managing it
seems to think that the this is not a problem. The FirstClass Client is
here the normal Mail Client and Outook is not the standard. I will try
IMAP next week when it is configured and ofcourse look for other ways to
change this. 

> Just fix the server - and don't tell me that's impossible!
> There _are_ working mail servers ;-)

It will change to another system later this year (as soon as it is
released) but if Exchange 2003 is much better !? I am not sure ...
And beeing the MS "Beta" tester is also not very amusing :( but it is not
my desission.


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