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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] DXR3 Plugin v.0.2.0 External Player Mode

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, Kai Moeller wrote:

> > Same thing here. Most annoying. ;) The "patch" below stops the crash, but
> > causes static on digital output after returning from mplayer. VDR is
> Don't know what you mean. But I will check it later.

- Watching DVB-T broadcast via DXR3 digital out, sound is ok
- Start playing a .avi or something with mplayer, sound is ok
- Stop mplayer and start watching DVB-T broadcast, sound is ok
- Start playing a DVD using the mplayer plugin ( script
  has been rigged to play DVD instead if the filename is PlayDVD, a fake
  file I've created in an appropriate directory), AC3 sound from DVD is
  played with mplayer's -ac hwac3-option, sound is ok.
- Stop mplayer, sound becames just static noise
- Start watching an .avi again, sound is once again ok
- Stop mplayer, DVB-T sound is back to normal too

So in other words, if the DXR3 card is put to "AC3-mode" by mplayer, the
plugin doesn't turn it back to whatever mode it was in before playing the

In case you're wondering why I'm going through all this trouble instead of
just using the DVD plugin, its because I want the mplayer output to Matrox
display card framebuffer using -vo mga. The display card is connected to
my lcd-projection setup (overhead projector + lcd-panel). And the reason
for using a display adapter instead of just S-Video from DXR3 is that
the panel's scaler sucks big time.


Jarkko Santala <>  
System Administrator                    2001:670:83:f08::/64

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