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[vdr] Re: Increasing SDRAM on DVB cards

Hermann Gausterer wrote:
> > Well, all we want to find out is which AV7110 pin is SCS2, and whether
> > it is routed from under the AV7110 outside to some open area of the
> > board, where it could be accessed.
> scs2 -> chip select 2 ??


> > The hard part will probably be
> > unsoldering the AV7110 BGA chip...
> unsoldering a BGA ic is not hard, but soldering it back is IMPOSSIBLE!!
> BGA are per definition solderable only ONE TIME :-(
> on every pin there is exactly the right amount of Sn (or whatever they use
> ;-)
> and in the right form, for making a perfect connection
> you have no possibilety to test the BGA for correct soldering
> (ok, without using X-Rays) so even if you try to solder the av7110 back
> you can be sure, one (or 50 ;-) pins will sty unconnected
> if the PIN you are looking for is not on an VIA ("durchkontaktierung")
> there is no way for getting this work!!

I didn't mean that the AV7110 would have to be soldered off and
back on for the actual SDRAM extension. All I meant was to solder it
off to see whether SCS2 is routed to some accessible point.
I'm aware that soldering a BGA chip back on is impossible. That's
why I was asking for a _broken_ DVB card ;-)

> on my card the two ram-chips are different with a different count
> of pins, but the IC with the fewer pins has no solder pads for the
> pins, he could have to be the same as the other (hope it is clear what i
> mean)

The SDRAM chip on my Siemens DVB-S rev 1.3 is a HYB3118165BST-60.
According to Peter Seyringer the one on the Hauppauge cards is a


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