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[vdr] Re: unknwon picture type / error in data stream

This is just a shot in the dark, as I haven't yet upgraded to vdr 1.2 
(the reported recording errors are scaring me too much)

> >


> > ..
> > Jun 27 20:17:19 VDR vdr[8974]: ERROR: unknown picture type '6'
> > Jun 27 20:17:30 VDR vdr[8974]: ERROR: error in data stream!

I remember the discussion a while ago re. vbv-delays and a patch that 
would increase vbv-delay on I-Frames (because of driver issues).

I don't remember how this turned out and whether this patch made it
into 1.2 . Stop reading, if it didn't and excuse my lazyness not looking
it up.

As this patch worked in the "area of headers" where one would also
find picture types: Is there something in 1.2 that mangles video headers ?
If there was a problem there, that would explain this kind of error.



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