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[vdr] Re: 5.1 Sound with analog soundcard?


a good information source is the html doc of
mplayer, there you will read, that this is called matrix-encoded,
which is available not only from dollby, most (cheap) 5.1 sets
have a pasive matrix decoder, dollby is called active matrix.
but if the 5.1 set id good designed, the passice matrix is adjusted
to the number of speakers and the output leves and frequencies.
thus the passive mode of the 5.1 set usually gives the best result,
unless you use advanced software decoding, like the one in mplayer.
you would need to adjust values like delay for all 5(6) speakers,
as well as the frequency filtering to decide which speaker plays
which sound ("höhen mitten bässe").

thats why i tested and decieded, that for dvd's i use mplayer
to replay, thus having perfect 5.1 analog DD output, and
for TV i use the passive matrix (which also works on 2nd audio
my 5.1 set has a switch for 5.1 and stereo-surround so
i'm quite happy with that mix.

Regards Onno schrieb:

Jarkko Santala <> wrote:

Just to clear one thing up: there is _no_way_ to get 5.1 sound from
stereo, what you can get is dolby surround which is 4 channels (left,
Well you can always do something artificial but you basically cannot
generate information (signals) from nothing.

You are right to "normal stereo" but "surround (stereo)" does contain a certain
amount of information for the rear and center-speaker which is simply thrown
away in that cases. There is analog equipment available in TVset's to make use
of it,
but so far i know of now sound-card that makes the same, even if it claims to be
a 3d-card. The reason is probably simple - the price d*lby requires for doing
that is so high, that it might easily double the price of cheap soundcards,
therefore you get none.

I apologize that i brought that thread up, i see now that it leads nowhere.

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