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[vdr] Re: Bug on 1.2.0: Blue key works (where it actuallyshouldn't) inChannel edit menu

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:15:04 +0200
Klaus Schmidinger <> wrote:

> I've put your original post on my todo list, but haven't
> found the time to fix it yet.
Ok ok, just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the heap of other stuff :-)

> Of course you can always fix it yourself and post a patch ;-)
Believe it or not I already tried that but couldn't find anything "suspicious", but since I haven't fully read and understood the source of VDR yet that's not really surprising.

I'm doing development more on the Java-side, I always hated C++, but I promise to improve my skills just for VDR =)


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