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[vdr] Re: unknwon picture type / error in data stream

> Tilo Renkl wrote:
> Because nobody seems to have an appropriate solution for that
> "unknwon picture type / error in data stream"-problem, I wrote
> a little bash-script to analyse /var/log/messages and do a
> restart in case that error occurs:
> while true; do
>   tail -f --lines=1 /var/log/messages | ( grep -m1 "ERROR: unknown picture
> type" && killall -9 vdr )
> done
> Just start that script in background.
> IMPORTANT: I only get this message at the beginning of a recording,
> so a restart at that time is, let's say, OK :-]


first I thought, that I don´t have this 'unknown picture type' problem as my
new installed system worked for 2-3 weeks without problems, but finally, you
can count one additional user more with this problem. I also believe that
this is a driver problem and that there is a bug when switching to transfer
mode. I use VDR 1.2.1 with AC3overDVB and autopid patch installed on SuSE 8.2.
My case: I have set a timer for a recording on EinsMuxx, but the recording
was garbage. I have seen such a damaged picture before randomly when switching
from or to ProSieben or zapped through AC3/Premiere channels. All those
channels have in common that VDR has to be set in transfer mode. I also saw this
problem with VDR 1.1.30 with AC3overDVB patch (without autopid patch) - I
believed that this had to do with the AC3overDVB patch as I have more problems
with the DVD-Plugin with this patch installed than without. With VDR 1.1.26 I
tested before I did not see this problem.
As EinsMuxx is not scrambled and has no AC3, IMHO the only reason for the
bad recordings can be that there is a bug when the channel has to be switched
and VDR has to be set into transfer mode in the same time. Because I
previously always switched to the channel I wanted to record, I never had any problems
before. BTW: I only have 1 DVBs, no second card.


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