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[vdr] Re: LCD-Plugin or Graph-LCD-Plugin Output over net

Hello Bernd,

Hi there

Some weeks ago i bought a T-Sinuspad. It's an Web Pad working under Windows CE. With vdr-admin it's an nice remote control for vdr. But you have to switch on the tv-set for looking the OSD. My question:
Is there an easy way to send the information from LCD-Plugin or Graph-LCD-Plugin to Network? If this would be possible, perhaps we can develop a "Virtual-LCD" for Win CE.

Have you read the c't Article (16/2003) about installing Linux (OPIE) on
the Sinuspad? Might be easier to write an application that supports the
OSD for Linux than for WinCE (and of course matches the spirit of VDR
much more :-).

I've read this c't article. The Sinuspad is poor on memory and after installing Linux, there is not much memory for applications.
Also not every hardware-feature is useable under Linux. That are the reasons why I want to use Win CE for this thing.
I guess the program will not be yery complex and therefore ihmo it doesn't matter using MS-MFC or QT.
It's also possible to write GPL-Programs for Windows and so i think there's no trouble with the spirit of vdr.


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