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[vdr] Re: LCD-Plugin or Graph-LCD-Plugin Output over net

Am Son, 2003-08-03 um 09.02 schrieb Dieter Poesl:
> Hi there
> Some weeks ago i bought a T-Sinuspad. It's an Web Pad working under 
> Windows CE. With vdr-admin it's an nice remote control for vdr. But you 
> have to switch on the tv-set for looking the OSD. My question:
> Is there an easy way to send the information from LCD-Plugin or 
> Graph-LCD-Plugin to Network? If this would be possible, perhaps we can 
> develop a "Virtual-LCD" for Win CE.

Just compile VDR with DEBUG_OSD=1 or use control-plugin from Jan Rieger.
That way you can control VDR from console with OSD. Certainly there are
also proggies for WinCE to connect to a linux-console - or you install
linux on the Sinuspad.

Rene Bartsch
Faculties MNI
Computer Science 8th Semester
FH Giessen/Friedberg, Germany

Facsimile/Phone: +49 7 00/72 27 87 24

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